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Butoh lesson with Ip Fung Ling, a trainee from Hong Kong (September 2023)
香港からの講習生・葉風伶さん(右)と 講師・加賀谷早苗(友惠しづねと白桃房)
With Ip Fung Ling, a trainee from Hong Kong(right),
Lecturer: Sanae Kagaya (TOMOE SHIZUNE & HAKUTOBO)

 Nowadays, trainee from Japan and all over the world have been participating in our Butoh workshops by the TOMOE Butoh method on online and on-site.

 今回は、友惠舞踏の魅力に惹きつけられ、その探求の情熱をもって香港から来日した講習生・新進気鋭のアーティスト、葉風伶(Ip Fung Ling/ヨウフウレイ)さんとの舞踏レッスンの模様をご紹介します。
 This time, we would like to introduce you to a Butoh lesson with Ip Fung Ling, a trainee and up-and-coming artist who came to Japan from Hong Kong with a passion for exploring Tomoe Butoh.

◆ 2023年9月 東京のスタジオにて (プライベート・レッスン)
 September 2023 at the studio in Tokyo (Private lesson)

 We explored the possibilities of expressing the environment and body using the TOMOE Butoh method, through the work of the basics of body stance, finding the fulcrum point for her body, the basics of the body in Butoh - stances without stance, the body with blurring edges, cultivating downward awareness, and feeling the smell of flowers, etc.
Feeling the smell of flowers
draw a flower by looking at them
feel the smell of flower and let it infiltrate her face, surrounding area, and entire body.
花の香りを味わい、香りのイメージを描く 紙に水を引き、滲みを用いて
feel the smell of flower and draw an image of the smell drain water on paper and use the blur
Ip Fung Ling approached the work with great sincerity, with very deep concentration and sensitivity.
The lesson was completed in the sweltering Tokyo heat.
Trainee Ip Fung Ling from Hong Kong with teacher Sanae Kagaya
After the workshop, she experienced okonomiyaki in Tokyo.
◆ 東京―香港 オンラインレッスン
 Tokyo-Hong Kong Online lessons
 Since returning to Hong Kong, she has continued to take online Tomoe Butoh lessons on Zoom.
connecting Hong Kong and Tokyo via Zoom

We look forward to Ip Fung Ling's continued improvement and success.
◆ 講習生・葉風伶さんからの感想(一部をご紹介します。)
 Impressions from trainee Ip Fung Ling
 (It will be introduced some of them)
 Firstly, Sanae Kagaya san is very encouraging, supportive and compassionate, I feel very safe and trustworthy with her guiding and teaching me through the two-day courses, also she was very sensitive to my reaction and performativity.

 Secondly, I really appreciate the arrangement and the duration of work sessions, it started with the primary body practices in order: Breathing conscious of the lower abdomen > Basics of body posture―looking for “one point under the navel” > Butoh’s Body, Postures in Butoh dance ― empty body, bringing me into the door of Butoh immersively, within a short period of time, I got used to it and engaging I would say.
 次に、ワークセッションの構成と時間にとても感謝しています。 下腹部を意識した呼吸、 姿勢の基本―「臍下の一点」を探す、舞踏の身体、その姿勢―風通しの良い身体という順に身体の基本練習から始まりました。私は没入的に舞踏の扉に誘われ、あっという間にそれに慣れ、魅力的でした。

 I feel sensible, like my five senses are developed and are actively passive towards surroundings and everything can be.

 Likewise, the whole is impressive, especially the Basics of body posture, becoming swirl and swaying of flame: 3 layers, three-dimensional are my favorite parts, from the very natural atmospheric elements on Earth,

 Ip Fung Ling, thank you for your impression.
Interview about the Tomoe Butoh experience
 The footwear was the Ashinaka(half-soled straw sandals) experienced during the workshop. On the last day of the workshop, we were hit by thunderstorms and heavy rain (News also reached Japan that Hong Kong was hit by a once-in-a-century downpour). The shoes that carried her to the studio were soaking wet. Therefore, she had to return home wearing the half-soled straw sandals! Ashinaka may help her Butoh practice in Hong Kong!!
Report: Sanae Kagaya

◆ 舞踏ワークショップ受講生募集(オンライン/現地スタジオ)
 Recruitment of Butoh workshop participants (online/on-site studio)
 We are looking for students to study our Butoh method online and in our studio. If you would like to participate in our workshop, please refer to the workshop information and contact us.

We look forward to receiving your application to our Butoh workshop.

●2024新春ワークショップのご案内 (近日公開予定
 Information of 2024 New Year's workshop (Coming soon)

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