TEL:03-3334-7918 FAX:03-3334-7919
協力:EU・ジャパンフェスト日本委員会、日本ルーマニア交流協会、(社)日本ルーマニア交流協会 |
from Renyo-sho -Far from the Lotus- |
上演:2012年5月26日 PM5:00開演
劇場:The Gong Theatre |
Str. Alexandru Odobescu nr. 4, 550916 Sibiu, Romania
TEL: +4 0269 211 349/ 210 468
http://www.teatrulgong.ro/ |
今回の作品では出演者の加賀谷早苗は路傍に佇む仏と鬼の子供を踊ります。日本では仏も鬼も人間の一つの命のあり方を表すと同時に、自然や社会の事象を象徴するものでもあります。本舞台で加賀谷早苗がどれだけ観客の皆様と美、喜び、そして命の律動を共有出来るのか?全ては踊り手のからだ一つに掛かっています。一期一会の巡り会い。皆様とお逢い出来ることを楽しみにしています。 |
加賀谷早苗 舞踏家 TOMOE SHIZUNEに師事 |
桐朋芸術短期大学演劇専攻非常勤講師 |
The Sibiu International Theatre Festival 2012
19th edition,ROMANIA
26 May 2012, The Gong Theatre |
KANZAN from Renyo-sho -Far from the Lotus-
Choreography,Direction,Composed; TOMOE SHIZUNE
Premire Dancer “Maihime” of Butoh; KAGAYA SANAE(TOMOE SHIZUNE & HAKUTOBO) |
Butoh, a modern stage art, has been born based on the idea of the nature and the view of the world from Japanese culture. The principle of its physical expression is according to the idea of Funi. Funi means “two things are one”, which philosophy has a contradiction to its logical meaning. Nature and human, heart and body, and other world and the real world…sometimes death and life can be considered as one thing. In this stage work, Premier Dancer “Maihime” of Butoh, KAGAYA Sanae will perform the Buddha who is standing on the side of the road and an ogre’s child. In Japan, the Buddha and ogre represent the meaning of one soul of a human as well as a representative of the phenomenon of nature and society. How well can KAGAYA perform to share beautifulness, joy and the rhythm of a soul with viewers? This is all up to her body. Encountering in “Treasure every encounter, for it will never recur”. We are looking forward to meeting you soon. |
“TOMOE SHIZUNE & HAKUTOBO” was established in 1987 preside by TOMOE SHIZUNE. The company’s 1994 performance in New York was met with rave reviews, such as the following: “Beyond Butoh, one that both acknowledges its past and suggests that, under TOMOE’s direction, it will continue to go its own creative way” (The New York Times), or “I've come to believe that Butoh's wallop comes from the fact that it is both foreign, or ‘other,’ and universal” (The Village Voice)
TOMOE SHIZUNE in charge of stage direction, choreography, music, and art for all of the company’s performances. Master TOMOE is the only Butoh dancer among those who learned under the originator of Butoh, Hijikata Tatsumi who faithfully inherited, then verified and further developed the art form, and established the “TOMOE Butoh method,” the first comprehensive contemporary stage-art method in Japan.
Premire Dancer “Maihime(舞姫)”of Butoh, KAGAYA SANAE was participated to the performance of “TOMOE SHIZUNE & HAKUTOBO” since while it was still in university.
Many performance of International theater/dance Festival including solo performance were appeared. It has formally participated to Adelaide Festival, Edinburgh International Festival, South-East Asia Tour supported by JAPAN FOUNDATION, Dublin International Theatre Symposium, Biennale Musiques en Scene, and so on.
Both internationally and domestically, it has conducted collaboration performances with many artists in different genres of art.
In the TELEPRESENCE series, a distance collaborative performance using teleconference systems and internet conducted with the theme of ‘Multimedia and Body’, it develops co-productions with people with various technologies and in various genres such as music, movies, traditional art, motion captures, etc.
In recent years, it has started conducting performances and lectures as part of the volunteer activities at aged-care facilities, schools for deaf-mute, welfare centers, elementary schools, etc.
It was published the Journal of Japanese Academy of Facial Studies (Vol. 9) contributed the special article “Face of Butoh” by Japanese Academy of Facial Studies in 2009.
It delivered lecture “Demonstration of Butoh and Feel the ultimate body communication” in national convention of Japan Association for Communication, Information and Society in 2010.
The lecturer of the 2010 Asia Europe Program "JAPANESE THEATRE AND CULTURE" that had acted Butoh lecture, workshop and direction of the Butoh public performance at UNESCO Theatre Studio in Bucharest, ROMANIA. |
Butoh dancer / Disciple of TOMOE SHIZUNE / Member of “TOMOE SHIZUNE & HAKUTOBO” / Master of Wakayagi-ryu of Japanese dance / Graduated from the Urushi-art course in the Dept. of Craft, Faculty of Fine Arts in Tokyo University of the Arts / President of OFFICE TOMOE Co., Ltd. / Board member of the Japan Association for the Promotion of Arts / Lecturer at the Drama Course of TOHO GAKUEN College of Drama and Music |